
Welcome to our site! I am so glad you’ve stopped by. Although this is a brand-new home on the internet, I wanted you to know that I’m not new to ministry.

I’ve been an active duty Navy chaplain for the past 12 years. It has been an honor, privilege and pleasure to serve the men and women of the Navy and Marines and their families. I look forward to continuing to serve in the Navy Reserves.

What I’m most excited about, however, is this new thing that the Lord has called me to.

My wife, Rebecca, and I are setting up Robert LeCompte Ministries as a non-profit organization that will serve as our vehicle to plant churches.

Our first church plant is City of Faith San Diego. Our hearts overflow with anticipation as we prepare for the next step in our adventure with the Lord!

God has graciously given us co-laborers to help us with these endeavors and we look forward to introducing them to you very soon.

If you have any questions, comments, or just want to reach out to me or Rebecca, please put a comment below and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. We really do look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you in person if you’re in the San Diego area!

With a grateful heart for all HE has done!


About 5navygators@gmail.com

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